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The spinal column provides the main support for your body, allowing you to stand upright, bend and twist, while protecting the spinal cord from injury.
Book AppointmentCommonly, lower back pain occurs as a result of injury, such as muscle sprains or strains. This may occur due to sudden, rapid movements or poor body posture when engaging in high impact activities.
The incidence of lower back pain increases with age. As you age, the loss in muscle tone makes the back more susceptible to injury.
In addition, many patients who sit in an office chair for long hours without occasionally stretching, also complain of severe low back pain. This is likely to be a result of a concentration of loading stressors on the lower back, especially when seated.
The neck is made up of vertebrae that runs from the skull to the upper torso. The ligaments and muscles present in the neck support your head motions.
Neck pain or stiffness is a common condition that can occur due to a strain. This often is a result of poor posture from sitting or hunching. Similar to low back pain, many patients who suffer from neck ache and stiffness often fail to stretch and move their neck often enough. This may be because they are deeply engrossed with the work on their computer screens.
In unfortunate cases, a bad accident can result in serious damage to the neck and cervical spine.
Oftentimes, neck pain or stiffness will resolve itself in a few days. However, if your neck pain is severe and persists for a prolonged period of time, it is advisable to seek medical care promptly.
A slipped disc occurs when the gel-like material within a disc in your spine shifts or herniates. This can result in compression of the nerve root and cause numbness, tingling sensations, pain or even weakness in the upper or lower limbs.
Sitting with poor posture, or exercising frequently with the wrong posture may put more pressure on your spine. Any high impact activity that engages the spine could result in a slipped disc. This may weaken the spine and contribute to a higher chance of developing a slipped disc.
A herniated disc can also be attributed to the wear and tear of your discs over time, resulting in the degeneration of disc elasticity.This makes the disc stiffer and less pliable, causing them to be more prone to damage.
For Singaporeans & Singapore Permanent Residents
Spine conditions present itself differently in every individual. Treatments will be personalized according to your specific condition. It is important to discuss your treatment plan thoroughly with your doctor, to ensure that you have the most comfortable treatment experience.
Medications and pain relievers will also help reduce inflammation and ease your discomfort. Sometimes, applying a heat pack to the affected areas for 10-20 minutes may bring some relief.
Physiotherapy is the treatment of injury and disease using non-invasive techniques. It focuses on improving your ability to move and function without pain, boosting your quality of life.
Exercises performed during a physiotherapy session aids in the strengthening of your back muscles to minimize stiffness and improve the mobility of your spine. The goal is to improve strength, increase endurance and to improve range of motion. It also helps to reduce the likelihood of future injuries.
For many neck and low back pain and stiffness conditions, it is often useful to do some self reflection and aim to improve sitting postures. More often than not, it takes effort to remind oneself to not remain still for long periods of time. It is important to do regular stretching to redistribute the stressors on the neck or back.
During this period of the pandemic, many of us work from home and may not have the optimal ergonomics of the office environment. We may also be staying seated or even slouching more in a home environment and not move around as much as we would have in the office. These are potentially areas where patient can look to improve.
In certain conditions where nerve impingement and inflammation results in great discomfort to the patient, nerve root blocks under radiologic guidance may be suitable and can provide relief. As this is an invasive procedure, patients are well advised to discussed the process, risks and benefits with their doctor.
At our clinic, we generally try to explore non-surgical treatment such as activities modification, physiotherapy and orthotics before recommending invasive intervention options.
For spine conditions, we offer the following surgical options:
Surgery is a big decision to make. It is important to discuss your treatment plan thoroughly with your doctor, to ensure that you have the most comfortable treatment experience.
Dr. Ong is fellowship trained with 15 years of experience in orthopaedic conditions, with a subspecialty in the management of sports injuries and degenerative conditions of the shoulder and knee joints. Dr. Ong uses a personal and professional approach to deliver high-quality care, based on the most up-to-date medical literature.
Dr. Ong Is Passionate In Sports, Giving Him A Deep Understanding Of Sports-Related Injuries And How They Can Be Treated
Our treatment plans are problem-oriented, well organised and personalised, catering to each of your specific needs. We are also committed to seeing you through to recovery, where individualized aftercare plans are designed to ensure a smooth and long-term recovery.
Our individualized treatment plans are designed to treat the cause of your injury quickly. We are passionate about getting you back in the game, and staying in the game. Our team is fully committed to returning you to the life and activities you love.
Senior Consultant, MBBS (Singapore), MMed (Ortho), FRCSEd (Ortho)
Dr. Ong Kee Leong is a fellowship-trained orthopaedic surgeon. He subspecializes in shoulder and knee, foot and ankle, hand wrist and elbow surgeries, arthroscopic sports surgery, and the management of sports-related injuries.
He has been registered with the Singapore Medical Council as a specialist in Orthopaedic Surgery since 2011.
Spine conditions present itself differently in every individual. Treatments will be personalized according to your specific condition. It is important to discuss your treatment plan thoroughly with your doctor, to ensure that you have the most comfortable treatment experience.
When your back or neck pain becomes more persistent, the treatment options may be beyond your GP’s expertise. You should seek specialist medical advice from an orthopaedic surgeon if you experience any of the following:
Severe pain that affects the activities of daily living, makes walking difficult, or comes on very suddenly and even at rest, may require the attention of a spine specialist. Lower back and/or leg pain as well as neck pain and/or arm pain that does not resolve early should also be addressed by a specialist.
Severe numbness, weakness or tingling of the limbs could signal a medical emergency. Better to see a spine specialist early to prevent irreparable damage including incontinence or paralysis.
If your pain is affecting your quality of life and you cannot perform everyday activities, it is highly advisable to see an orthopaedic surgeon for a detailed diagnosis and advice.
At your first appointment with Dr. Ong, he will evaluate your medical history and the pain you are experiencing.
Depending on the symptoms you have, he will likely perform some form of diagnostic imaging (e.g. X-Rays or MRI scans) to assess your condition accurately. X-rays and CT scans are useful to rule out bony problems, whilst an MRI scan is excellent at looking at soft tissue (e.g. tendons, ligaments, cartilage) problems.
After assessing your condition, Dr. Ong will recommend a personalised treatment plan, according to your specific needs. This may include surgical or non-surgical treatment options.
After diagnosis, Dr. Ong will advise an individualised treatment plan that is customized to your specific needs. The treatment plan varies from patient to patient, and the condition you have.
For less severe problems, Dr. Ong may recommend a non-surgical management plan (such as painkillers and physiotherapy) to treat your condition initially. If your symptoms do not improve or even worsen over the course of this treatment, Dr. Ong will review the treatment protocol and may advise surgery.
Dr. Ong will only recommend surgical options when all other conventional non-surgical interventions have failed, or if non-surgical options will not work for your condition. For example, if you have a broken bone which is extremely painful and debilitating, you may benefit from immediate surgery.
Consultation fees are charged based on length of consultation, and start from SGD 150 (within 30 minutes).
We accept the following modes of payment:
If you are insured and would like to use E-Filing or A Letter of Guarantee (LOG) from the major insurers in Singapore, please contact us, our friendly clinic staff will assist you and provide more information if required.
Fill up the form and we will get back to you soon!
Prefer to talk? Call our clinic directly to make an enquiry at (65) 6884 6788
(Please ask for Dr Ong Kee Leong)
Mon – Fri : 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Sat : 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Mon – Fri : 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Sat : 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Mon – Fri : 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Sat : 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Our friendly clinical staff will assist you with your registration, ensuring an efficient and hassle-free process for you.
During your consultation, Dr. Ong will evaluate your medical history and the pain you are experiencing. You may also ask Dr. Ong any questions you may have about your condition.
Dr. Ong will likely perform some form of diagnostic imaging (e.g. X-Rays or MRI scans) to assess your condition accurately.
After imaging, Dr. Ong will review the results of your scans thoroughly with you, and advise an individualised treatment plan just for you.
As you go through your treatment plan, Dr. Ong will follow up with you every step of the way, ensuring that you receive the dedicated care you deserve.
Consultation fees are charged based on length of consultation, and start from SGD$200 (within 30 minutes).
We accept the following modes of payment:
If you are insured and would like to use a Letter of Guarantee (LOG) from the major insurers in Singapore, please contact us and our friendly clinic staff will assist you and provide more information if required.
Yes, you can. Our Clinic is an accredited day surgery clinic by the Ministry of Health. Singaporeans and Permanent Residents may use their Medisave for eligible orthopaedic inpatient procedures and hospitalizations.
The exact amount would depend on the complexity of the procedure. If you have any enquiries, feel free to speak to our friendly clinic staff about using your Medisave account.
Yes, patients who have purchased Integrated Shield plans with riders for co-insurance and deductibles will be able to use them in our clinic for eligible procedures. For more information, contact us to find out if your procedure is claimable.
The 5 Approved Integrated Shield Insurers are:
Fill up the form and we will get back to you soon!
Prefer to talk? Call our clinic directly to make an enquiry at (65) 6884 6788
(Please ask for Dr Ong Kee Leong)
Mon – Fri : 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Sat : 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
When specific conditions become more chronic and persistent, the treatment options may be beyond your GP’s expertise.
If you experience severe pain, or if your pain is affecting your quality of life such that you cannot perform everyday activities normally (e.g. walking, standing or wearing clothes), visiting an Orthopaedic Surgeon for a detailed assessment and diagnosis is the best course of action.
At your first appointment with Dr. Ong, he will evaluate your medical history and the pain you are experiencing.
Depending on the symptoms you have, he will likely perform some form of diagnostic imaging (e.g. X-Rays or MRI scans) to assess your condition accurately. X-rays and CT scans are useful to rule out bony problems, whilst an MRI scan is excellent at looking at soft tissue (e.g. tendons, ligaments, cartilage) problems.
After assessing your condition, Dr. Ong will recommend a personalised treatment plan, according to your specific needs. This may include surgical or non-surgical treatment options.
Dr. Ong always advises patients to listen to their bodies and not push through the pain barrier, especially if your pain is a direct result of sports injuries.
If your pain does not subside with RICE (rest, ice, compression and elevation) and over-the-counter painkillers, it is highly advisable that you seek professional medical advice. Continuing with sporting activities will place additional strain on your body and worsen the condition.
After diagnosis, Dr. Ong will advise an individualized treatment plan that is customized to your specific needs. The treatment plan varies from patient to patient, and the condition you have.
For less severe problems, Dr. Ong may recommend a non-surgical management plan (such as painkillers and physiotherapy) to treat your condition initially. If your symptoms do not improve or even worsen over the course of this treatment, Dr. Ong will review the treatment protocol and may advise surgery.
Dr. Ong will only recommend surgical options when all other conventional non-surgical interventions have failed, or if non-surgical options will not work for your condition. For example, if you have a broken bone which is extremely painful and debilitating, you may benefit from immediate surgery.
Consultation fees are charged based on length of consultation, and start from SGD$200 (within 30 minutes).
We accept the following modes of payment:
If you are insured and would like to use E-Filing or A Letter of Guarantee (LOG) from the major insurers in Singapore, please contact us, our friendly clinic staff will assist you and provide more information if required.
Yes, you can. Our Clinic is an accredited day surgery clinic by the Ministry of Health. Singaporeans and Permanent Residents may use their Medisave for consultations, eligible orthopaedic procedures and medications at our clinic.
The exact amount would depend on the complexity of the procedure. If you have any enquiries, feel free to speak to our friendly clinic staff about using your Medisave account.